Self-Responsibility Disclosure
What I Am, What I Do,
What I Am Not, & What I Do Not Do:
I am a Natural Health Education RN. Healing comes through Nature. We ARE Nature.
Registered Nurse Associate’s Degree
School Health Education Bachelor’s Degree,
Adult Wellness-Fitness Promotion Physical Education Master’s Degree, (Functional Movement)
Functional Medicine / Functional Nutrition (Whole Food Nutrition),
Holistic Health Coaching, Herbal Medicine, Energy Medicine / Earth Medicine, & Yoga
I work with you to discover the underlying causes of your health challenges and create a supportive plan for you to heal your own health.
I do not diagnose or treat any disease or do physical exams / vital signs.
I do not provide hands on nursing care services.
What you will get from me is my in-depth experience of the human body, in health and sickness, to enhance your personal learning and self healing experience.
I do not heal anyone. Healing is a personal response to one's own lifestyle choices.
I do not work miracles or provide quick fixes. If you are willing to learn, grown, & transform your lifestyle medicine… You Can Self Heal.
Click here to read more about my traditional and natural health training.
Natural Health is our innate right as human beings. My educational practice is work to keep natural health information alive.
Your Self-Responsibility Disclaimer While Working with Paula Youmell, RN: In working with Paula Youmell, RN, I am aware I am taking self-responsibility for my own health. The support and educational advice I receive from Paula Youmell, RN, is in my hands to implement, or not. I take full responsibility for all of the results and consequences of my actions making changes in my life and using the information supplied by Paula Youmell, RN. I know I need to be able to take the educational information offered and put it into action and that any results / consequences of my actions using this information is 100% my responsibility.
Disclaimer: Your health is your responsibility, plain and simple. Any educational information in my books, articles & blog posts, through one on one healing sessions, classes, and workshops with me is for you to use as you see fit on your path to health and healing.
Health is about self-responsibility. Taking your health into your own hands is what Hands On Health is about. The ability to heal lies within us. The responsibility to care for our bodies to ensure lifelong health, prevent disease, and heal lies within us.
You are responsible for choices you make regarding your health. Information from my books, other writings such as blog posts on my site and articles I write for other organization’s websites, and working together with me is meant to educate and inform you so you can invoke self-responsibility and take your health into your own healing hands. Take what I have learned about nutrition, health, and healing and create your own healing truths. The only one who can heal you is you. You are your own healer and I am your support on your healing path with the tools I have learned in my years as an RN, Functional Medicine Practitioner, Health & Fitness Educator, Herbalist, Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach, Energy Healing Practitioner (Reiki, Acupressure, Earth Medicine), and Yoga Teacher. Learning is my passion!
By making natural choices in one’s eating and lifestyle choices, the symptoms of disease heal and an individual can and will return to whole, vibrant health. When more people take self-responsibility for their own health, we will create a nation of far fewer people who suffer from life-style induced diseases. The resultant burden, lifted from our families, communities, health care system, and health insurance industry, will be huge!
Whole Health Education is not about what you are giving up, it is not about deprivation. It IS about what you are inviting into your life: the choices, changes, and additions that will open doors to healing, health, and happiness in ways you have always imagined could and should be the human experience.
Be brave. Take that first step on your own healing path, knowing every new step will be an adventure and a positive, healing challenge. Wherever you are in your life, however long you have been taking less that “whole” care of your body, every step you take towards whole foods and whole health living will make lasting changes in your cellular and whole body health.
Walk with peace and love on your personal path to health and healing. Bright Blessings, Paula