Change is good
Change, well, creates change; change in our health, our outlook on life, our quality of life.
All change requires work and the resultant benefits are worth it. It is all about taking the first step, over that line into your discomfort zone and creating a new pattern in your life.
The way we live our daily lives is all a matter of habits and patterns. All of which can be changed simply by creating new habits. New habits, practiced consistently, become old habits in a matter of two weeks.
Below are the steps we all take to make change. I encourage you to contemplate them whether you prefer to make sweeping changes, right now!, or slower, simpler changes, one by one. Change is good, change is liberating. Be the change you wish to see in yourself and the world!
Pre-contemplation: No intentions to change, no awareness of the need to change or that there is even a "problem". I might call this the stage of denial!
Contemplation: We think about what it is we need to change, for a specific purpose, and how we might make that change happen. No commitment made. "Uh-uh, no way, not me; I'm not changing anything!"
Example: I need to lose weight, to feel healthier and heal my diabetes (or whatever health issue), and I can do this by eating a whole food diet, moving every day and living more naturally.
Preparation: The commitment has been made to oneself: "I am going to get my butt in gear and make myself feel and look better..."
Work is done to educate oneself on matters of health and healing and to gather support people about oneself. Community and support, people that think along the same healing path as you now do, are a helpful energy for us to take along for the health and healing ride!
Action: Time and energy are put into the process of making life healthier. One gets their butt into gear and does what they know is best for their overall health and well being!
Maintenance: Energy and work are put into making the change permanent, to consolidate the gains made by living healthier, and realizing you just feel damn good! You have adopted a new way of thinking and living and you see the vibrant health benefits in your daily life: sleep better, wake up refreshed, energy to last the whole day, slimmer body, clearer skin, better mood and attitude that attracts positive, upbeat people and events into your life.... life just does not get better!
What can you do to make healing changes in your life?
PS Speaking of change, ever notice how fast the position of the sun in the sky changes this time of year? It is September 11th, and I just took what might be my last dip in my spring fed swimming hole. As I looked at the sun, in the mid afternoon sky, I was amazed at how it is setting more in the southern sky instead of how far west it is over my swimming hole in mid August.
Where does the summer go?
A recipe for eggplant non-meatballs, courtesy of a reader. Thanks Linda!
There are many eggplants at Martin's Farm Stand... Get your eggplants and get cooking up these yummy "plant" balls!