Talking, Listening
Holistic Hugs & Peaceful Blessings!
Paula M. Youmell, RN, MS, CHC
Certified Holistic Health, Nutrition & Fitness Counselor
“Just lift the corner of the clouds
and the sun is  ALWAYS shining!”
Eli Schechter

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Talking vs. Listening

Every Monday and Friday, I do inspire emails to friends, family, and clients who want to be inspired.  Recently I wrote one on our ears / mouth genetically created situation.
Nature makes no mistakes.
We have 1 mouth and 2 ears.
The proportion speaks; hear what it has to say.
Be well, have fun, listen and you will hear.
This inspire email, well, it inspired me to write this.  I figured this would be too long for a Monday / Friday inspire as inspires are supposed to be "quickies".
I use this thought process when I think about the internal ears and mouth of our soul.  We listen and speak to the collective soul of the world with the same proportion: 1 mouth, 2 ears.
The soul's mouth gets over run by our mind's constant chatter:"I am not good enough, my thighs are too big, I need to lose weight, I need to do more, I need to do less, I do not have enough, how can I take this stress, my neighbor's house is nicer"... on and on, blocking us from hearing what we really need to focus on.
Try this: stop when you notice this mind chatter. Then, add 1 quick positive mind chatter affirmation:"I am fabulous, I do wonderful things for ____________, I take care of myself, I am beautiful, I am loved, I love me, I have enough and I am grateful"... whatever works for you.
When we use the soul's ears to hear, in the present moment, we inherently know what life has to offer us.  We can read the signs that keep us in the flow of life.  We easily can carry out our life's purpose, our destiny, as we are synchronized with the life force energy.Be well.  Listen and ride the flow of life with grace and peace, Paula
Herbal Healing Hint
Stinging nettle in your yard or nearby?
Now is the time to harvest the seeds, before the Autumn winds and rains whip them off their stalks.
Snip them, while hanging onto them with the other hand.  Drop the snipped off strands of seeds into a large, paper grocery bag and keep snipping.
Hang the bag up somewhere warm and dry.  Leave the bag wide open.
Everyday check them, reach down into the bag and toss the seeds like you were hand tossing a salad.
When dry, carefully put them into a quart canning jar (a canning funnel helps with this process).

Eat 10-20 seeds daily over the winter for the thyroid benefits and the many nutrients and minerals nettles will add to your diet.  Green food, wild green food, is deeply nourishing to mind, body, and soul.