What one person considers weeds... another person considers very same plant their cell nourishing food and medicine.
I love spring for the wonderful green plants shooting out of the earth around my home, in the woods, and in the fields.
Spring time plants remind me of the ever changing and newness of life, the bounty of good food right outside our doors, and the nutritional value and healing properties of what many people consider weeds.
I personally await the Spring's:
Wild Leeks,
Dandelion Greens & Flowers,
Stinging Nettles,
Plantain Leaves,
Rhubarb Shoots,
Wild Violet Flowers and Leaves,
Trout Lilies,
the Herbs coming up: Chives, Oregano, Tarragon, on & on,
and so many more Spring edibles.
Spring Wild Edibles and our garden perrenial herbs are the Spring Tonic Elixirs for our bodies to wake up to the Spark of Life after a long Winter.
Fresh, green, Wild plants and garden Herbs awaken our taste buds, livers, digestive tracts, and every body cell to the Fire of Springtime, the upward moving Spark of Life inherent in everything.
The incredible amount of nutrients in the Spring plants add to our nutritional stores and support the clearing and cleaning of our winter blood, liver, digestive tracts, and sleepy cellular wastes.
If eating wild foods calls to you:
grab a wild edible book specific to your region
download the Picture This app
get browsing the woods, fields, and your yard.
I use the Picture This app to get a general idea of plants I do not easily recognize. This helps me narrow down my search in an actual book to make a positive identification before using the plant for food or medicine. The plants I listed here are very common plants that most people already recognize. Start off easy and work your way into enjoying Wild Plants.
There are so many herbalists, all over the internet, who share information on Wild Edibles. If it calls to you… get learning!
*****Sustainable Harvesting: I cannot stress this enough. Please only take 5-10% of the plants you see in a patch or area of the woods, field, or your yard. If you “clear cut” the plants (or dig up a whole patch of Wild Leeks) you are leaving nothing to regenerate plants for the next season. This is a HUGE responsibility when Wild Crafting Plants… do not over harvest EVER.
Wild plant patches are not like a garden. No one shows up to replant if everything is taken.