I like butter. Real butter. Butter from cows living naturally: wandering about freely eating the grass nature meant them to eat. Oh yeah, fat and cholesterol laced eggs are pretty darn yummy too. Eggs from chickens that roam freely, eating the things chickens were meant to eat (not some fabricated food bought at farm stores akin to dry dog food - unnatural is my point). I cook the eggs in pig lard. Yup, from pigs that wander freely eating what nature intended them to.
Are you worried I am going to keel over from a heart attack? Stroke?
Don’t. I do not.
My grandparents lived on butter, lard, eggs, pork, vegetables, and fruits, etc. from the animals and produce they raised on their own farms and gathered in the woods (think berries!). I would say I come from pretty healthy stock, sturdy people who all lived to just shy of 90.
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