Psycho-Spiritual Energy Medicine:

Physical illness has its roots in our energy body. When our energy flow gets constipated, life force flow is hindered. Energy flow is never completely blocked in the way we are told our Chakras get blocked. There’s always a flow, even if it’s a trickle. The trick is to undo the energetic constipation so life force can flow freely. This is akin to removing a kink in a garden hose so water can flow freely again.

Traumas create kinks & slow flow in our energy body. If we shake off the trauma, like animals do, we would prevent the constipation. Humans tend to hold onto these traumas in their energy field. Over time and compounding trauma can push the blockages deeper into the energy body and into the dense energy field of the physical body. This disrupted energy means the body is no longer at ease but instead in a state of dis ease, unease.

Traumas can be events that happen

  • in our younger life,

  • handed down from our ancestors in our energetic DNA,

  • in the energy of the Divine Feminine (think about the burning of Wise Women Healers & Midwives labeled as ‘dark magic Witches’ to turn communities against them) & Masculine, and

  • energy events handed down culturally (think traumatic events experienced by whole cultures: slavery, war, oppression, genocide etc.).

When we work, consciously, to be aware of these traumas in our being we become aware of how we react to life’s events from this space of wounded energy.

Working through this psycho-spiritual healing frees our energy constipation so self-healing life force flows wildly and freely again.