Follow the postures with a 5-7 minute session lying in savasana (flat on your back on your mat, covered comfortably with a blanket, prop knees / head / low back… be comfy) and focus on slow deep breaths.
Yoga is a tool I invite you to try, as a daily practice, to invoke calm and peace in your life.
The turning inward, to focus on breath and body movement in the postures, supports toning the vagal nerve.
When we practice daily, we can carry this sense of calm with us throughout our day.
This equals less chances of being triggered by life’s challenges and a greater chance of stepping back, assessing situations, and choosing healthy options of action.
This healthy action, by choice, is very different from knee jerk, triggered, emotional responses.
Below are 2 short posture sequences to get you started and enhanced Sun Salutation Series, and 2 versions of poses to use in the Sacred Directions to Honor the Elements.
Follow the postures with a 5-7 minute session lying in savasana (flat on your back on your mat, covered comfortably with a blanket, prop knees / head / low back… be comfy) and focus on slow deep breaths.