Sacred Circle Weight & Health Balancing Workshop
Wicked FUN FACT: The wisdom shared in this workshop is balancing for your health; whether you’re inviting in weight loss, weight gain {yes, my friends, I have clients working to actually gain weight. Mind blowing, right? ; ) }, or the self-healing of any health & wellness concern.
Full Disclosure Here…
this is NOT a silver bullet, “gonna fix all my issues” in one workshop, SO if you think you will:
walk in
participate in a 3 hour workshop
go home and shed 2 pounds daily until 6 months from now you are at your body’s best weight for you (and that’s not necessarily the Twiggy archetype, am I dating myself?!) Then this workshop is NOT for you.
Class size limited due to the Vagal Nerve Movement Magic & needing to have room for comfortable movement.
What this workshop IS:
a journey of new beginnings to invite you to invest in your long-term self-healing
an immersion into Body-Mind-Spirit release for healing and body weight & health rebalancing
body = physical health
mind = emotional, mental, intellectual health
spirit = energy body health (think aura, chakras, nadis / meridians, etc. If these are foreign words to you, not a problem!)
breath and vagus nerve movement to support developing awareness in body-mind-spirit
getting real about your body’s actual nourishment needs to be gifting it just what it needs for vitality
acupuncture in savasana to support moving energy into the shift of awareness
When you become Aware of what keeps you in the overweight mindset, and your body is listening & responding, you can choose to do live differently.
This is an “ it’s not a silver bullet - quick fix” weight loss scheme.
It is work you do for you.
Sound like you’re ready to take on the task of moving beyond this ‘weight & health should be a quick fix’ mindset?
Date: Tuesday, November 1
Time: 5:00 to 8:00 PM
Where: Five Elements Living, Colton… of course
Need more info?:
We will learn simple information about our:
Energy Bodies,
Neural Patterns in the Energy Body & Chakras,
Emotional & Spiritual Eating
Circadian rhythm’s & your body: digestion, energy, & sleep
Optimizing liver function, improving digestion and gut health so then you are also possibly supporting… improving mood, metabolism, cellular health, sleep, energy, glandular functioning, vitality, everything! That’s whole body health to improve overall health of Body-Mind-Spirit
How This ALL Impacts Our Well Being & Ability to Self Heal, Balance Metabolism, and Balance Body Weight in a way best for each individual (not our current societal standard which often changes with the Wind)
I repeat… This is NOT a quick fix AND is NOT just about weight loss.
Students need to show up fully prepared to dig deep into the recesses of their “etched in” behaviors that keep oneself stuck in the same old patterns. Class will require work to create new patterns, vibrate at your highest good, so you can send healing to all areas of your life needing healing: this healing is NOT just about weight loss. Class learning and homework can support self-healing on many levels.
We will use Vagal Nerve postures (yes yoga, come on, did you expect less from me?) & breathing to encourage changes in body-mind-spirit patterns of being. All postures are assessable to all abilities and can be enjoyed standing, sitting, lying down, or just in your head!
Workshop includes:
a follow up email with information for further learning, growing, & transforming in body-mind-spirit for the highest good of you & all
my workshop specific Yoga Posture PDF with the Vagal Toning Postures we will use in class so you can incorporate them into a simple, daily home practice for self-healing & body balancing
Sacred Circle Mentorship™ details here, this will give you an idea of the whole concept of Sacred Circle if you are new to this work of mine.