40+ FaceFix™ ORGANIC 4 oz.
40+ FaceFix™ ORGANIC 4 oz.
Organic: A silky face lotion that nourishes & stimulates cellular health for the mature and sun kissed - nature girl’s face.
Yes Facefix™ has changed. The ingredients have NOT changed. How it is made has changed, in the sense that it has been made better and more nourishing. It now has the benefits of BOTH the signature blend of the essential oils as well as the same signature plant blend of herbs infused into pumpkin seed oil and used for the lotion base. Double herb nourishing benefits. Read on for full story of how I am nourishing your skin to be vibrant and glow!
FaceFix™ is now pale yellow, not pure white, as they lotion is made with **herbal infused pumpkin seed oil (see below) and has extra organic Aloe added. Extra green plants in the hand making process make for a more colored product AND a more skin nourishing product. Win-Win for your SKIN. Pumpkin seed oil is also a rich, darker color adding to the products final yellow color.
Important FaceFix™ Information: If you notice dark spots in the lotion this is small pieces of plant material that did not filter out when I was making the herb infused oils (see info below) OR is tiny clumps of Organic Aloe powder that stuck together despite being fine sifted into the lotion base. Remember this when using your FaceFix™ and know it is not a problem with the product. It is extra skin nourishment for feeding cellular health.
FaceFix™ has a blend of essential oils that I formulated at specific ratios for nourishing calls & *repairing sun ☀️ kissed and aging skin: Rosemary, Frankincense, Lavender, Carrot 🥕 Seed, Immortelle, & Peppermint.
**These same herbs, of the essential oil plants, are also infused into pumpkin seed oil. Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc for skin nourishment. The herbal infusing takes place over several days and then the infused oil is added to the FaceFix™ lotion base. This infused oil is an extra boost of the plant healing medicine of Rosemary, Frankincense, Lavender, Carrot 🥕 Seed, Immortelle, & Peppermint. The herb infused pumpkin seed oil adds color.
Organic Comfrey oil is also infused into this herbal oil. Comfrey is a skin & body tissue nourisher and rejuvenator.
Anti-Aging*, Skin Nourishing & Rejuvenating* Reviews below.
Small batch production, 6-10 jars 🫙 at a time,
All organic ingredients,
Paraben free,
packaged in glass (please reuse, return, or recycle bottles. They make great spice jars. I also keep dried garden seeds in them.).
Live locally? Purchase directly from me, cash & carry, No shipping fees.
Looking for reviews of FaceFIx™? https://www.paulayoumellrn.com/40-facefix
Products will be shipped in packing materials that I am re-using, recycling, whenever I can. Please reuse them as well. Please re-use, recycle the jars to take care of Mother Earth.
*Not evaluated by any agency to verify these skin nourishment & repair claims other than the Time Held Wisdom of many, many Plant Medicine People.