Hi, my name is Frost. I have a BIG problem and I need your help.
First of all, we all know that pets are healthy for humans, correct?
- lower blood pressure
- reduce stress
- promote longevity AND longevity with vibrancy!
- lower rates of death in human who have pets
- stronger immune systems
- stronger cardiovascular system for dogs who walk their humans (humans benefit here as well!)
- etc., etc., etc.
OK, this is my problem. There is this dog in my cat dominated home. When my human takes said dog (picture coming soon) for a walk, it gets the damned beast out of my fur for a while. By the way, this makes the other cats who live here happy as well.
The aforementioned, flea bitten, beast I was referring to. Those kids like him?
Do this for me: Vote for the town of Potsdam in the "Bark for your Park" contest. http://www.petsafe.net/barkforyourpark/
Vote on FB as well and you have 2 votes per day for Potsdam's Dog Park and my CAT sanity!
If my human has this dog park to go to, the above beast will be out of my fur for more time in my day and life. PLEASE, I am begging you, vote everyday, twice a day, until July 31st, please. You can be from anywhere in the world and still vote for Potsdam, NY's Dog Park. It IS the saving grace of cats!
AND, if the dog walks, the human walks. This means a healthier human, around more years, to feed me and tend to my needs, when I insist.
The other cats and I thank you,
The 4 felines, in my home, who will be forever grateful!
PS Shhhh, please don't tell my health crazed human that I have infiltrated her blog. She actually likes that dog she calls Basil!
More meaningful info from another human:
Dear animal lovers,
Our little town of Potsdam has made it to the top 15 finalists in the country of the PetSafe "Bark for Your Park" dog park contest to win either $100,000 or $25,000 toward the building of a dog park! Impressive power of mobilization from the community, great job!
Potsdam is already working on a dog park - an enclosed area safe for dogs off leash. This will be really important for dogs who are not reliable around roads, cars, or animal distractions. A lot of volunteers have been working to clear space in the woods behind the Potsdam Humane Society who donated the forested land. PetSafe's contest will help pay for fencing, gates, benches, running water, etc. We win if we can get enough online votes.
By voting you are helping a small town do big things for the dogs and people of our community. Our dog park will be unique in that is is not only a park for townspeople to walk their dogs, it is on donated land owned by the Potsdam Humane Society, which means the dogs at the shelter will finally have a place to walk and play and maybe even win over the heart of a new owner, and as a result, get a loving home. Couldn't get much better than that. We have thousands of people living in Potsdam and the North Country. We can do this.
Register once on the website:
And the FB link for getting in your second vote everyday:
and the site remembers you for the next time. So easy, takes only a seconds! Please try to vote TWICE A DAY, every day through July 31. And you don't have to live in Potsdam, so spread the word and have everyone you know voting for us! Thanks!