Now that butter is on the cover of Time Magazine... it must be true! Butter is a superfood!
Not that my butter eating habits are much of a secret anymore. I used to hide my butter habit to avoid the "you are going to clog your heart" advice and lectures. Not that I didn't pass out a few of the very same lectures in my days*, see below!
A couple of years ago I wrote an article: "Unwrapping Butter's Bad Rap" for the Potsdam Food Co-op's newsletter, it became a blog post on Whole Food Healer, and was later revised and included in my first book. Butter is a head liner!
I confess, I have always loved butter. I only refrained from butter when I was *eating a vegan diet (for a few years, back then, sometime in my past life!). That is over and butter was put back in my diet quite quickly. Mashed potatoes without butter? What is the point? I ate them, for years, at the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. Not anymore, mashed potatoes with butter for me, please!
Butter is awesome, yummy, the best! Now a butter - nettle pesto, hmmm... I might be on to something here! Two of my favorite things fused together with love. Heading to the kitchen now...
30 minutes later after picking some nettle tops:
Ok, it did work! Butter, nettles, and garlic scapes. Chives would be fine as well. Have patience with the food processor as olive oil blends with the herbs more easily. Try making the pesto with a 1/2 butter and 1/2 olive oil mix for easy blending!
So back to butter. My favorite way to eat it is off a spoon, fork, or knife. Mom taught me this was not ok. I do it anyhow. Sorry Mom! : )
Local to me, NY State butter!
This is my new favorite butter, thanks to Jessica Prosper of Prosper's Farmstead Creamery. She turned me on to this butter because the cows graze on grass and the butter is made just about 3 1/2 hours from my home. Now, if I had a farmer close by making butter with grazing cows cream, that would be even better!
I buy in 2 pound tubs, a few tubs at a time. I do not like running out of butter. Makes me feel like an addict without my drug! Seriously, I am not that bad. But, humor is always good!
Butter recently has had a big popularity boost with the Bullet Proof Coffee craze. I tried it, why not? I will try anything once!
What I learned, butter is best eaten from the spoon, knife, or fork! Why ruin good butter or good coffee? Want fat in your coffee? Find a source of pasture-raised, whole cream or 1/2 and 1/2 and dose up your coffee in style. Coffe tastes better this way AND saves the mess in the kitchen making the bullet proof stuff. If you try bullet proof coffee and like it, go for it.
I prefer my coffee with butter like this:
on a piece of buckwheat toast. Organic buckwheat grown close to me, just over the border in Canada, and baked at Little Stream Bakery.
Now the amount of butter on this 2 inch by 3 1/2 inch piece of toast was triple, what you see above, by the time I finished eating it. Maybe 2 1/2 to 3 Tbsp. of butter. Butter is definitely better on toast than in my coffee!
Eat butter, it won't kill you! Paula
PS Maybe Gardenshare has an more local source of NY State butter from grass fed cows? Aviva, any thoughts?
I know Birdsfoot Farm has some very, deep-yellow cream from their grazing cow!
I want local butter that is that deep yellow!