Wait, what?! Tips #7 through #10 in one fell swoop?
My answer is yes. These are basic lifestyle habits that make your body soar with feel good energy, happiness, and balance your body weight. When you feel good... you want to feel better. Health begets health; wellness begets wellness. It is an addictive thing!
Now that I have brought up the issue of addictions... Have you labeled yourself as an addictive personality type? "I can't give up sugar (or soda, or chips, or whatever), I am so addicted."
Why do addictions always seem to be for "bad" things, unhealthy choices? If we can get addicted, why not get addicted to:
healthy choices,
fruits and veggies,
choosing to be happy despite what is going on around you,
real food grown by real farmers,
walking in the woods,
Go ahead; ponder over what being addicted to healthy things could be like in your life. Sit. Be quiet. Breathe. Visualize healthy living coming from your core being. What does that look like? Feel Like? How can you put it into action, reality, in your life?
Eli, my youngest son, doing what he does when frustrated, angry, or overwhelmed with energy: quiet, breathe, visualize being calm.
Seeing 2 of Eli? Can you guess why? Leave a comment with your guess.
OK, now for Tip #7 through Tip #10
#7 Get plenty of sleep! Skimping on sleep to “get things done” is not a whole health habit! Getting to sleep before 10 PM maximizes production of melatonin and works with the earth's circadian rhythms for great sleep and health.
Going to sleep, before 10 PM, reduces cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps the body put on and keep on abdominal weight. Sleep peacefully to reduce your cortisol levels.
Stay away from bright lights and screens (computers, etc.) for 3 hours before sleep. Bright lights make your body think it is daytime and impair the sleep cycles. Get all lights out of the sleep area; even LED lights disturb good sleep hormone production.
The moon and stars are fine!
#8 Daily physical activity. Start now and continue for life. Your body is a beautiful creation meant for movement, poetry in motion. Your bones, muscles, and joints are singing out to be put into this motion. Listen; hear your body begging to be moved!
Hint: Get outside and move. Fresh air and natural light are imperative to good health, endorphin, hormone, and neurotransmitter production. See below.
#9 Daily exposure to natural sun light and fresh air. Exercise, work, play, read, and relax outside! And for an extra bonus... get to sleep (before 10 PM) outside! Seriously, sleeping outside is a health enhancing habit!
The natural light exposure, again, enhances the body's circadian rhythms. Fresh air and the sounds of nature calm and soothe body, mind, and spirit.
When our bodies function, with the rhythms of the earth, we are so much more balanced as human beings. This inner balance makes it easier to choose healthy lifestyle habits.
#10 Increase your intake of water; clean, pure water! Water is crucial to healthy cell function. Just as your body cells need to be nourished with whole foods, so too they need water to carry on the processes of metabolism. Keep your cells happy, feed them water.
Use clean, pure water to make herbal teas. Herbal teas are high in minerals and nutrients that add to body cell nourishment.
Your gorgeous body cell. You want all of them to be healthy! There are trillions. One thing I find amazing about this is that every thing we eat has an impact on trillions of life forms (all a part of you!).
If your water supply is chlorinated, filter it. Use a chlorine shower filter so you are not absorbing and breathing in chlorine as you shower.
Divine Weight Loss Tips 1-6 & final Tip: