No - No you people of the 70's and 80's (myself included), it is not Wheaties!
So what is this concoction on the plate and in the bowl?
- Local, pasture raised eggs fried to the perfect, "still liquid" yolk state,
- Wild leeks chopped and placed on top, and
- Local, pasture-raised, goat milk cheese, slightly melted, on top... and in the bowl?
- Kraut made from Kent Family Farm's root veggies, cabbage, and burdock with added: fresh wild leeks from around the corner and up the hill; then I added dandelion greens, nettle tops*, and chives from the front yard.
Yummy, cell nourishing way to start the day!
*The nettle tops were raw, chopped very finely. Yes, nettles will leave the characteristic "sting" on the tongue and back of the throat... but it is very mild, barely noticeable!
Stinging nettles have been used for urtication. Urtication means flailing the affected joints with nettles for the relief of arthritis and like conditions. So eating raw is a 'lil self tongue and throat therapy! Who would want arthritis of throat and tongue?