Sacred Eating

Sacred Eating:  Meal Time as a Spiritual Time

In Eastern Indian  culture, eating is a spiritual experience. Truly, living is a spiritual experience and they recognize this. Native Americans always gave thanks to all the spirits of the food they ate, be it plant or animal based food. Eating was always viewed as sacred in our culture.   People were grateful to the earth and all beings involved in providing the food that graced our tables.

In comes modern living and people with way too busy lives who have learned to gobble food while on the run.  Smoothies to chug while racing about the house getting tasks accomplished, omelets being eaten in the car with disastrous results  (Yes, I had one lady tell me a funny "omelet in the car story" and how she reserves omelets for weekend breakfasts only.  I have had equally disastrous results with grated beet salad in the car.  Not a good idea; beets stain everything), and far too many drive through eateries dot our landscapes making eating a mindless commodity for the run, run, run of life.

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Interview with Susun Weed, Native American Healer

Image This is a very exciting interview for me as Susun Weed's book, The Child Bearing Years, was my first book on herbs, purchased in 1993.  Susun gave me that nudge I needed to continue my walk (It all started when I was a kid watching my Grandfather stirring his herbal magic) on my holistic healing path!

The live interview happened Tuesday, November 12th @ 9 PM and has been archived at BlogTalk Radio:

The show begins with 90 minutes of Susun doing Q & A on herbs and healing,

the last 30 minutes of the show is our interview time together.

An edited version has been, or will be, published and archived at four different sites:,, and on our blog
