Holistic Hugs & Peaceful Blessings!
Paula M. Youmell, RN, MS, CHC
Certified Holistic Health, Nutrition & Fitness Counselor
"Just lift the corner of the clouds
and the sun is ALWAYS shining!"
Eli Schechter

Nike Trademark

When you are ready, you will make the change!
How bad do you want it?
If you are not losing those 10 pounds, it's because you do not want to lose those 10 pounds "badly" enough.
It is really that simple. Any change you want to make in your life, you have to want it badly enough to do it.
When people want something, they work hard towards that goal until they achieve it.
If the time is not right for you, let go of the goal and come back to it later. Be kind and gentle to yourself around this issue; when you are ready, you will be ready. Come back to the weight loss goal when you are ready.
Life is short, be good to you.
Movement Magic
Get a bike and ride it. Run your errands on a bike: post office, bank, etc.
Find a comfortable pair of sneakers, minimalist sneakers (I like inexpensive, stretchy water shoes) and walk. Just walk.
Smile, knowing you are being good to you, throw in some push-ups and call it a day!
PS We are on summer hours here at Hands On Health. This newsletter, sent with love, will arrive in your inbox every other Saturday until the fall schedule returns to our lives. Enjoy every moment of your summer.