Holistic Hugs & Peaceful Blessings!
Paula M. Youmell, RN, MS, CHC
Certified Holistic Health, Nutrition & Fitness Counselor
"Just lift the corner of the clouds
and the sun is ALWAYS shining!"
Eli Schechter

All Answers Lie Within You. Start Asking The Questions.
Health & Healing Hint
High Mineral - Bone Tea
I am not a big fan of supplements, preferring to meet my nutritional needs from whole foods. This tea is a great way to add minerals to your body without taking supplements.
Boil 1 quart of water. While water is heating prepare the herbs.
1 tsp. of each: stinging nettles, red raspberry leaf, alfalfa, oat straw, and dandelion leaf.
When water boils, shut off heat and remove pot to another burner that is cool. Add herbs to pot and stir into water. Cover and let sit and steep overnight. In AM, strain the tea into a quart canning jar and sip throughout the day.
For a locally grown and blended version of a "bone health" tea, try Minds Eye Farm in Hermon.http://www.mindseyefarm.com/Organic%20Teas.htm
Available straight from the farm or at Nature's Storehouse, Canton http://www.natures-storehouse.com/ or the Potsdam Food Coop http://www.potsdamcoop.com/
Medicinal Teas
Calcium Comfort Tea
Raspberry Leaf, Oatstraw, Alfalfa, Nettle
3 oz loose leaf $7.00 ORDER